are bananas good for acne

5 Skin Care Reasons to Keep Banana Peels

5 Skin Care Reasons to Keep Banana Peels

1. Lighten Acne Scars: Cut the banana peels in pieces. Rub the inside of the banana peel on your acne scars until the peel turns into a brown color. Do this thrice per day. The acne scars will gradually fade.
2. Treating Acne: Rubbing banana peels on the face can not only fade acne scars but it can only reduce acne break outs. Make sure to rub banana peels on your face or body every day for five minutes. You’ll see results within a month or so.
3. Smooth out Wrinkles: Smash banana peels and add egg yolk to make a face mask. Apply the face mask on clean skin and wash after 5 minutes. Or you could also just rub the banana peel straight to your face at night and wash it off in the morning. This will help smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.
4. Itchy Bug Bites and Poison Ivy: Banana peels help alleviate the itch from bug bites and poison ivy. Just rub and voila! No more itch!
5. Shrinking hemorrhoids: This is interesting…banana peels with their sugar content helps shrink hemorrhoids and helps with the itching as well. Rub for 3-5 minutes thrice to four times a day.

To keep banana peels fresher longer, wrap the peels in an aluminum foil or a plastic wrap. You can put them in the fridge and thaw as needed.

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