

Not necessarily. Each persons skin type is different and will respond differently to our products. It is best to start with our lower strength peel before moving on to a higher strength peel.

Additionally, the best method is to start by only applying each product for 30-45 seconds and washing it off with water. You can slowly work your way up or adjust the contact time as your skin becomes more tolerant or use to each product.

If you have very sensitive skin, you may want to start with our daily-use strength products which have a maximum of 10% concentration and a pH of 3.5 or higher. These are our lowest strength products we offer and are great for beginners.

Sometimes we have samples and will send them out in orders, free of charge.

There are several different types of chemical peels, each indicated for different types and degrees of skin concerns.

Lighter peels such as (glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid) in lower concentrations, can sometimes be referred to as very superficial or superficial which can improve rough, dry skin, as well as uneven pigmentation. They can also improve the texture of sun-damaged skin and help control acne. A daily-use peel/ micro peel and a level 1 peel are the mildest types of peels as they only penetrate the epidermal layer. Multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

Level 2 and level 3 strength peels (glycolic acid, salicylic, lactic, TCA in higher concentrations) are best for people who want to smooth out fine wrinkles, remove superficial blemishes, and even out skin pigmentation. These skin peels can be used on any part of the body, and the peel depth can be adjusted to best suit the needs of the individual patient based on pH and number of layers used per treatment. Deep (Phenol) peels can remove major blotching, such as that caused by aging, sun exposure, or birth control pills. Deep peels can also be used to smooth deeper wrinkles.

Deep skin peels are only performed by a licensed physician. Deep peels are much more risky and can cause permanent scarring if not used correctly. A mild, medium, or deep chemical peel may be used, depending on the patient's skin condition.

In general, users only feel a mild stinging sensation during micro or light chemical peels. There should not be any pain, however if you do experience pain, you should immediately rinse the skin with cool water to neutralize the peel. You may feel a slight stinging or mild burning sensation with each peel. This lets you know the peel is working on the surface and penetrating the epidermis but the sting or burn should not be painful.

The salicylic peel may have more of a stinging or burning sensation on the skin than the other peels. This does not mean it is penetrating deeper than the others, so it is important to only apply the peel for the recommended time until you become more comfortable or your skin becomes more tolerant of the peel. If any peel becomes too uncomfortable, wash it off with water. This will neutralize the peel.

Tip: The use of a fan or hair dryer with a cool button can be very comforting and lessen the amount of burn or tingling on the surface of the skin. Also, you can try using a cold damp cloth and pressing the treated area of skin only after the acid has already been completely washed off with water. If you experience swelling or redness on the skin, an anti-inflammatory may be used such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol.

Yes, chemical peels that are formulated for the skin can be used to treat other areas of the body but expect the results to be different. It may take longer for the other areas to react compared to the face as the skin structure and thickness is different. Generally, the stronger peels are going to work better for other areas on the body, and using them in layers and thoroughly cleansing the area with an alcohol wipe to remove excess oil and dirt will be more effective. The TCA peels will generally work best for other areas of the body as they can penetrate a little deeper.

It's common to experience a breakout after a peel as the skin is purging toxins. However, not everyone will experience breakouts after a peel. It depends on how much congestion you have under your pores. As you start to perform regular facial peels, it is less likely that you will experience breakouts. While this can be frustrating, it is not necessarily a bad sign.

The cleansing process scrubs your clogged pores that are embedded with dirt and dead skin cells. As the top layers are removed, this congestion inside the skin may emerge in the form of blemishes. The entire process takes several weeks to purge the skin, but afterwards skin should be noticeably smoother and cleaner. Make sure to avoid irritating the skin, if you notice some redness or irritation, just wait longer between applications, or shorten the duration. Typically within the first 3 weeks, the skin begins to show improved clarity with very few breakouts.

Deep cleansing and exfoliation is a process which takes some time to work. Overpeeling can only worsen your skin condition so patience is vital for the process.

Visible peeling depends on many factors such as the compactness of the individuals stratum corneum, pH of the peel, concentration of peel, layers applied, etc. If you regularly exfoliate, chances are that you do not have an excess of skin, and the acids will be able to more easily penetrate, without the peeling effect. This is why when you first begin a peel, sometimes you will have visible peeling initially and on subsequent peels there is less or no visible peeling. If you do not have a visible peeling effect, this does not mean the product is not working. With each peel, you are still removing millions of dead skin cells on the surface with each application.

With consistent use you will begin to see improvements in the texture of the skin, and it will appear more refined, smoother, minimized pores and with less blemishes. If you do experience visible peeling, it will be in the form of small white flakes which is typically not as noticeable unless viewed up close.

Make sure to use a sunscreen SPF 30+ when going outside for at least 1-2 weeks after the peel, as the peel will increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun.

The exact number of peels varies depending on the treatment area and amount used per application. Using too little of the peel solution will cause the peel to be very shallow. We recommend around 1-2 ml per facial peel, but you can adjust this depending on how well your skin tolerates the peel. Typically you will get about 15-20 peels out of 1 30mL bottle.

The results of a chemical peel vary depending on the peel that you receive. A very superficial (level 1) and superficial (level 2) peel may help reduce the signs of aging and skin damage and if used in cycles, then generally desired results are achievable over time.

Medium peels are more effective in reducing signs of sun damage and fine wrinkles. The best results are going to come from consistent use of peels in cycles, finding which peel your skin reacts best to and protecting your skin from further damage from the sun. As you begin to use our peels you will immediately notice brighter and healthier looking skin as it continues to remove dead skin cells on the surface. More difficult to remove blemishes can be improved over time if you are consistent in use.

When you have tried other products that are not effective or what you are looking to accomplish with your skin goals have not been met, then a chemical peel would be a good place to start. They are much more effective than standard over-the-counter products. Even our daily-use / micro peels will be more effective then standard over-the-counter products.

It is always best to start with a lower level peel and apply it for the minimum amount of time before increasing the time on the skin or using it in layers.

Light (level 1 or level 2) to medium (level 3) chemical peels cost from a physicians office, medical office, or spa can cost between $90 to $300 per treatment (treatments must be repeated for optimal results). Deep (phenol) chemical peels can cost $2,500 to $6,000 for the full face (only one treatment is necessary). Our peels cost about $1-$2 per peel for the same high quality USP ingredients manufactured in a GMP ISO facility. There is a massive up charge when peels are performed in a medical center or physicians office. We believe consumers should be able to have access to the same quality treatments for an affordable price.


Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) are the most common main ingredients for peels. AHA is derived naturally from sources such as sour milk (lactic) or sugar cane (glycolic). AHA aids in cell renewal, reduces superficial lines, and lessens the appearance of minor hyperpigmentation. They are relatively mild with no down time.

BHA (salicylic acid) is key in clearing blocked pores, skin brightening, refining texture, eliminating P.acnes bacteria, and has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. The overuse of any chemical can exacerbate any condition so a prudent approach will yield great results. Factors which will play a role in the overall result is pre- and post-treatment care, overuse, and skin thickness.

Results for salicylic can take longer to been seen because the oil, dirt, and bacteria must make its way to the surface before the skin can begin clearing up. This purging period is common and can cause breakouts after the first few peels, leading people to beileve that the peel is ineffective.

If you are unsure if the salicylic peel is effective, after application, you will feel a slight tingling on the skin. This means the peel is starting to penetrate your skin. If you want a stronger response, leave the peel longer on the skin or apply it in multiple layers. But remember not to overdo peels. Rinse thoroughly after use. Use the salicylic products for 6-8 weeks to see optimal results before deciding that the peel is ineffective on your skin.

We do not conduct animal testing. Perfect Image does not believe in the experimentation and testing of products on animals for any reason. Most animals are euthanized after being used in an experiment. Testing on animals is often of little use for predicting the effect of chemicals on human beings, which further undermines its method of assessing safety. Additionally, our products do not contain any animal-derived ingredients.

Perfect Image is dedicated to providing safe products without the use of chemical preservatives such as parabens. Some clinical studies suggest parabens, although controversial, may potentially have health risks. All of our product lines are paraben free, sulfate free, and phthalate free.


The recovery time after a chemical peel depends on the type of peel administered, because each type of peel affects the skin to a different degree.

Daily-use chemical peels or level 1 peels require virtually no recovery time. Though the skin may be mildly irritated after the peel, patients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment. Occasionally there will be mild flaking of the skin, visible peeling is not always present, especially in the daily-use and level 1 peels. This depends on skin sensitivity, thickness, pH of peel, type of peel, how often you exfoliate etc.. For medium strength level 3 chemical peels or level 2 peels, you should allow the skin 3-7 days without using any exfoliation products and allow your skin to replenish itself. Visible peeling is not always the case, but more often with these compared to level 1 peels. It is important to note that visible peeling is not the only sign the peel is working. Many daily-use and level 1 peels may have little to no visible peeling, but visible signs such as brightened skin, refine texture, smoother skin, improved marks with consistent use can all be noticed with regular use.

Because of the kerolytic activity of a chemical peel you will notice some tightness and skin dryness after use. This is why it is recommended that you apply a non-irritating hydrating moisturizer to the treated area. The surface skin is being exfoliated, which means the new underlying skin will be more sensitive to the sun. It is necessary to apply a sunscreen of SPF 30+ if you will be outside. Also your skin is in a recover / replenish stage after losing surface skin cells, and it is important to replenish that skin with nutrients and vitamins afterward. It is also important to not over moisturize as your skin is getting rid of damaged skin cells and constantly applying a moisturizer will delay this process.

Applying sunblock is necessary to achieve optimum results. Real improvement is seen only when you make a commitment to avoid and protect against sun exposure. The peel will make your skin much more sensitive to the sun after removing those outer layers.

When the skin is exposed to the suns UV rays without proper protection, the risk of hyperpigmentation reoccurring is greater. Hyperpigmentation (age spots), wrinkles, fine lines, pre-mature aging, all that can be caused by sun exposure, can be exacerbated by not protecting recently peeled skin.

For some patients remembering to use sunblock is not easy. 10 minutes under the sun is the recommended daily dose for sun exposure to promote Vitamin-D production. We recommended using at minimum of 30 SPF+ and applying it anytime you are out in the sun, especially 1-2 weeks after a peel.


Is is highly recommended to prep the skin before a peel. A prep cleanser which includes an exfoliant can be used each day for 3-7 days prior to using the peel. A prep cleanser will prepare the skin for a more even peel by lightly exfoliating the skin and removing the skin cells on the surface so the peel can work on a deeper level. If a prep is not used, the peel can work deeper in some areas then others causing an uneven peel.

You also need to prep or clean your skin appropriately before applying the peel, which includes cleaning the skin. The impurities and oils on the surface can block the penetration of the peel into the skin. Make sure to use a mild cleanser or warm water and wash the skin 1-2 times really well and allow the skin to fully dry before applying the peel. You may also use an alcohol prep pad or toner to more thoroughly remove the oils and dirt if you do not have sensitive skin or if you feel the peel is not penetrating the skin well.

A facial toner functions to remove oil from the surface of the skin to ensure even penetration of the peel. TCA, Glycolic and Lactic peels are water soluble, and do not penetrate well with excess oil on the skin. The toner helps to remove this oil, and any soap residue left on the skin. A prep pad with alcohol will also help remove these impurities on the skin even more so. The alcohol can be very sensitizing to the skin, and cause more stinging or redness than would otherwise be present. It is not recommended for sensitive skin types or if you are trying the peel for the first time. If you think the peel is not penetrating well then it may be appropriate to use.

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