
If using our products and following the recommended time, you should be able to avoid a burn. Our products are formulated in a gel so that they do not penetrate like other liquid solutions sold, and allow for a safer application.

The depth of the peel is controlled by contact time, frequency, pH, and layers of the application. Controlling the contact time will ensure that you are not allowing the peel to remain on the skin for longer than recommended, and making sure you are using a concentration your skin can handle will help reduce the chances of burning your skin. We strongly recommend starting with the lowest concentration for the shortest amount of time and then building up from there. We understand that people want to see results, but it is very important to start off slow to see what your skin can handle. Patch testing an area before, say on your forearm or under the chin, is a good way to see how you might react.

After testing, we recommend that you apply the peel for 30 seconds, and no longer than 1 minute, and immediately wash off with cool water for 1-2 minutes. Rinsing thoroughly is extremely important to ensure that none of the solutions continues to penetrate the skin. As you continue using the peels, the duration and layering of the peel may be adjusted for longer timeframes. The strength of the peel and how often you do a peel is important to watch. Peeling too often won’t give your skin the time it needs to rejuvenate and heal. The recommended wait times are the best guidelines to follow.

Both the lactic peels, hydro-glo, and salicylic peels are safe for African-American or darker complected skin, although some stronger peels, like phenol are not. You can also use any level 1 peel such as the glycolic 30 or pineapple enzyme peel which will be safe enough for darker complexions. Is it best not to use too strong of a peel on darker complexions as hyperpigmentation is more prone to occur. Start with a level 1 peel first and see how your skin reacts or handles it before moving to a stronger level 2. You can also use a peel prep cleanser to help reduce the chances of post hyperpigmentation.

Generally, all of the peels are relatively safe and can be used for all skin types. However, with any product, it is always recommended that you do a small patch test application first. This involves applying to a test site for 30 seconds and rinsing off. A waiting period of 24 hours is recommended, and if no excessive irritation exists, you're free to use the peel. When selecting the test site, remember to apply it near the area you intend to apply the peel but not on the area you plan to peel, that way you are not peeling that area twice. Our peels are also mostly in a gel form, so the penetration is slower than that of a liquid and we also pH adjust our peels so they do not fall below a certain level.

You first need to make sure you have washed your face completely and removed all traces of the peel with water. If the peel is left on the face, it will continue to penetrate the skin, causing irritation. Once the peel has been removed, your skin should only stay a pinkish or reddish color (similar to that of a sunburn) for 5-30 minutes. If you have performed a deeper or stronger peel, it may last longer than 30 min.

You should wait at least 2-4 weeks before applying a peel again. This will allow the new skin to fully regenerate before attempting another peel procedure. Upon applying the peel to your skin again you should reduce the application time from the previous one. Start with 30 second- 1 minute. As your skin becomes accustomed to the treatment you may increase application time and/or number of layers as you become comfortable.

While side effects are rare if used properly, chemical peels are associated with some degree of risk. The deeper or stronger the peel, the greater the chances of side effects and complications including:

  • Redness – Some redness is expected after a peel, but severe redness may occur and last for several months.
  • Hypo- or hyperpigmentation – Skin discoloration resulting in darker or lighter patches around the treated areas. 
  • Swelling Crusting or scaling of the skin.
  • Scarring Infection – People who have oral herpes are more prone to infection. 
  • Allergic reaction 
  • Increased sunlight sensitivity.

Generally, the salicylic acid can be used during pregnancy. There is little, if any at all that is absorbed through the skin, which would cause it to enter into the bloodstream. However, our product has not been tested specifically on pregnant women. Other peels such as a lower strength glycolic or lactic may be okay, but we suggest first consulting with your physician prior to use. The TCA peel should not be used during pregnancy.

If an unexpected complication occurs such as a reaction to an ingredient, burn which can cause swelling, blisters, scaling, redness much like a bad sunburn, there are some steps you can take to prevent further complication and help direct the patient on the right track to healing.

  • Make sure to fully neutralize the peel with water or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) water mixture for 10-20 minutes.
  • Afterward, you may apply a cool, damp cloth to the skin or use a cool compresses to help calm inflamed or sensitive skin.
  • Optional ice pack can help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Rewash skin with cool water several times per day and apply pue aloe vera gel. Aloe is one of the best treatments to help with inflammation and burns and healing the skin.
  • Drink an excess of water per day as the skin will need to be rehydrated from the inside out.
  • Topical steroids such as hydrocortisone or fluticasone can help reduce the inflammation.
  • Ibuprofen or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can also help reduce swelling.
  • Avoid sun exposure as it will only worsen the burn.
  • Pure aloe vera can be applied to help cool the skin and prevent further injury. Reapply throughout the day.
  • Many physicians also suggest taking an over-the-counter antihistamine, such as Claritin or Benadryl as well, to help calm the response.
  • If the burn is severe, triple antibiotic ointment will be best for the first few days, then follow with aloe vera. It may also be good to schedule an appointment with a doctor if you are uncomfortable treating on your own.
  • Call 911 if the reaction is dramatic or the patient seems to be having trouble breathing.

The skin will begin to heal over the next several days and can take up to several weeks in some cases just like a bad sunburn as the skin takes time to remove the burned layers on the surface and for the new skin underneath to reveal. Any dark scabs or spots should also come off during the healing process. Its important not to use any harsh products or acidic products during this time.

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