
What are Festoons? How to Get Rid of Them

You’ve started to notice changes in your body and skin that weren’t there last year. What are these spots on my skin? When did those wrinkles get there? What on earth is this extra skin under my eyes?

Don’t panic– you’re perfectly normal. 

Many middle-aged men and women experience sagging of the skin below the eyelids and above the cheekbones. These puffy pockets of skin are called Festoons, or “malar mounds.”

Was there not a more appealing way to say sagging eyelid skin? The word “pillows” would sound better than mounds. 

Moving on. 

If you’re one of many who find it difficult to recognize yourself in the mirror because you suffer from protruding festoons, we’re here to help!

Keep reading to learn more about festoons and how you can treat all your skincare needs

Related: How To Get Plump Skin [Beauty Tips]

Identifying Festoons   

Festoons are often mistaken for puffy eyes or stubborn eye bags, misleading countless people to purchase creams and undergo procedures that fail to target the underlying problem.

Festoons or Eye Bags?

Often, it can be challenging to spot the difference between festoons and eye bags. Generally, eye bags are more common than festoons. Though they sit next to each other on the upper half of the face and resemble one issue, eye bags and festoons are two different problems.

Eye bags refer to the accumulation of fat under the eyelids that results in skin sagging. In contrast, festoons are protruding, swollen pockets, particularly above the cheek and cheekbone area.

An easy way to decipher the difference is that eye bags are firm to the touch; meanwhile, festoons are softer and squishier. 

It’s essential to identify whether you have eye bags or festoons for many reasons. One of the most important is that festoons can also signify precancerous skin conditions on other areas of the face. Another reason is that, in extreme cases, festoons can even lead to peripheral vision loss.  

In searching for products to treat your skin issues, it’s crucial to find out your skin type to make the best decision for your skin.

Most Common Causes for Festoons   

Various factors cause festoons, with almost all depending on an individual's lifestyle.  

Genetics & Aging    

Some people can have genetic predispositions to festoons, making their development more likely. Generally, festoons refer to a structural issue underneath the skin of the eyelid which, combined with certain lifestyle practices, can onset the development of these protruding, puffy mounds.  

Festoons can be significantly influenced by aging as the lower eyelid skin thins and stretches. Contrasting facial muscle actions over an individual's lifetime can dramatically impact the development of malar mounds. Specifically, these conflicting forces in the muscles create space between the layers of the skin, which causes the area to puff up or swell at certain times of the day or periods in the month.  

Frequent Sun Exposure  

One of the most prominent precursors to developing festoons is frequent exposure to the sun’s rays. Malar mounds form due to sun-damaged skin, particularly on a person’s lower eyelids and cheeks. 

The sun damages elastic fibers in the skin, which is especially true on a person's face since the skin is more fragile and sensitive than other parts of the body. Wearing anti-aging sunscreen every day and keeping your face moisturized can help battle against skin issues related to sun damage.


It’s a well-known fact that smoking increases the speed of aging. Smoking can lead to eye bags, deeper premature wrinkles, and other signs of aging like festoons. 

Smoking breaks down important collagen fibers in the skin and even weakens particular structures around the eyes. 

Looking to improve your skin's elasticity and age backward!? Perfect Image has all the products and treatments you’ll ever need.

Treatments for Malar Mounds

Malar Mounds, or festoons, are known for being particularly hard to treat. Many opt for expensive surgeries or injections that often leave people in worse shape than before.

Eyelid Surgery  

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a costly option for targeting eye bags alone. When only eye bags are taken care of, this can enhance the appearance of festoons, making the problem worse. 

Similarly, surgical removal of festoons is also an invasive option as the procedure to remove the mounds leaves linear scars on the cheeks. The last surgical option is that of a mid-facelift combined with eyelid surgery. 


Another treatment for malar mounds is filler. However, similar to direct excision of the mounds, filler can sometimes worsen the problem, making festoons more noticeable. 

In some instances, filler exacerbates the issue of festoons because it causes swelling around the cheeks, which can travel into the mound area. 


The use of lasers on festoons and malar mounds has resulted in some of the best results. Laser skin resurfacing involves creating minimal injury to the affected area so that new, healthier skin can grow and replace it. 

Skin resurfacing laser treatment can reduce the size of festoons and rejuvenate the lower eyelid and upper cheek regions of the face. 

Chemical Peels

Another popular option for festoons is chemical peels! Chemical Peels are a non-invasive alternative to effectively treating malar mounds under the eye area.

Peels work by tightening the skin and reducing the appearance of malar mounds. Likewise, peels also work to generate the resurfacing of new, healthy skin that replaces old tired skin, ultimately minimizing the appearance of skin mounds, age spots, wrinkles, and more.

No more time-consuming and costly surgeries!

Wanting to reduce malar mounds and get rid of deep wrinkles, age spots, and more? Check out Perfect Image and their life-changing skincare products!

Goodbye Festoons & Hello Beautiful Skin!

Treating all your skin needs can be a pretty tiresome journey. You can be left feeling defeated by relentless reading online, researching treatments, and consulting with pushy doctors.

But aging doesn’t have to be an uphill battle.

Now that you know there are more than invasive surgeries and expensive fillers, you’re on the right path to fixing your festoons for good!

Related: What Causes Crepey Skin? (How To Get Rid Of It)

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