
Milia: Condition, Treatment & Removal

Your skin is a highly dynamic organ constantly responding to changes in the environment. Sadly, this incredible feat of biology can be frustrating at times. Enter the milia skin condition.

Milia is one of many skin conditions that get in the way of your regimen and set you back for weeks. You’ll be able to recognize this skin issue by its usual white spots, rough texture, and odd appearance. Instead of scratching and scraping away at your skin, continue reading.

We’ll help you understand this skin condition better so you’ll be able to enjoy smooth, clear skin all year round.

Fast Facts About Your Skin

Before we dive into the ins and outs of milia, let’s learn a little more about your skin. Believe it or not, it’s the largest organ in your body (which explains why it needs so much attention).

Skin cancer remains one of the most significant skincare issues today, affecting one out of every five Americans. Your skin makes up 15% of your body’s entire mass. Face skin is much thinner and more sensitive than the skin on the rest of your body. While skin cancer seems challenging to prevent, it’s easy to protect your skin with limited sun exposure and a zinc oxide sunscreen.

Contrary to popular belief, hormonal acne is a common skin issue affecting adults today. It’s not just teenagers who get bumps and blotches! Another common issue is milia, which we’ll explore more below.

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What is Milia?

Are you noticing a strange patch of tiny white bumps somewhere on your body? Do they feel rough to the touch, but not painful or sensitive?

These bumps are known as milia, a common and mild skin condition that usually affects infants. Adults are able to get this skin condition, though it’s usually connected to genetic or environmental factors. Milia may resemble shallow acne breakouts, but it is not the same thing.

If you notice milia, don’t worry. This condition is more annoying than serious and is easily treated.

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Where Does Milia Come From?

As touched on above, milia come from a few different factors. Some people have a genetic predisposition for this condition, though others may experience milia from an autoimmune disease.

If you’ve ever used a steroid-based cream or gel, you may experience milia as a side effect. Infants generally get milia due to having underdeveloped sweat glands that get blocked. Constant exposure to the sun also increases your chances of developing milia due to losing essential moisture. 

With so many underlying causes, it’s no small wonder why milia crop up so often!

Who is Able to Get Milia?

Anyone can get milia, though infants and adults with autoimmune diseases are especially susceptible.

What works for one person’s skin may not be compatible with your own. We believe home skincare routines should be as unique as you are.

How do You Treat Milia?

Milia are easily treated with over-the-counter treatments. Exfoliating agents such as alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), salicylic acid, and retinoids slough off dead skin wonderfully.

More often than not, simply leaving a milia breakout alone will help it go away. Your skin is in a constant state of shedding dead cells and renewing itself, so give yourself a break! Be careful not to pick or scratch at milia, as that will simply leave scars.

Consider buying a gentle satin or silk pillowcase for you to sleep on. Some cotton pillows are still too rough on the face and will further irritate your milia breakout.

How do You Remove Milia?

If your milia are especially stubborn, consider seeing a doctor or a dermatologist. A family doctor will be able to prescribe you a topical solution, while a dermatologist may go for deeper treatment methods.

How do You Prevent Milia?

While milia are unable to be completely prevented, you can reduce your chances of getting it with a few lifestyle changes.

Reduce Your Sun Exposure

You need a little sun to boost your vitamin D levels and stay healthy. Too much sun exposure leaves your skin dry, leathery, and lacking moisture. Make sure to wear sunscreen and a wide brim hat whenever you’re outside.

Moisturize Regularly

Find a reliable daily moisturizer to keep your skin supple and smooth. Milia has a hard time forming on moisturized skin.

Choose a moisturizer that is compatible with your particular skin. Oily skin does best with gels and serums, while dry skin needs creams.

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Milia Final Thoughts

Milia is a frustrating condition that seems to pop up at random. Thankfully, it’s not a serious skin condition and can be mostly prevented.

While milia are 100% preventable, you can reduce your chances of a milia breakout with lifestyle changes. Moisturize regularly, reduce your sun exposure, and consider exfoliation routines. Infants and adults with autoimmune diseases are especially susceptible to this condition.

Resist the urge to scratch, pick, or scrub at your milia to remove it. This action will make your milia more stubborn and keep you from shining!

Bring out the best in your skin. Contact us today to begin putting together a custom home skincare routine that speaks to your unique needs.

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